Our team can build the following professional Social Media sites for your business. Please note this will ultimately, further your brand, increase your reach to potential customers on the internet, bump up your ranking on Google and assist in lead generation for your business. It is essential in today’s modern world-keep up with the times and contact us to build your social media sites for you.
- Design of your professional Facebook Business Page
- Installing of Marketing applications
- Generating of custom designed content
- Fan Base generation
- Developing your network of connections to other relevant Pages
- Designing of professional Twitter for Business Page
- Uploading of Logo’s and graphics
- Generating leads and contants within your Target Market
- Developing your network of connections : including relevant Businesses and Key individuals
- Creating Company Business Page for Linkedin
- Uploading of graphics, logo’s and basic information
- Generating of content
- Linking of your Company Page to your personal Linkedin Profile
- Developing leads and followers
- Designing of Professional Branded YouTube Channel for your Business
- Uploading of graphics, logo’s and basic information
- Adding of Video’s, tagging them for optimisation
- Basic Social Media for Business Training on YouTube
- Creating of Google+ Business Page
- Branding and uploading graphics
- Adding business content
- Generating google code to verify the listing and assist in your Google ranking
- Business Account creation on Pinterest
- Developing your network of connections to other relevant companies and individuals in your target market
- Creating of basic pin boards
- Uploading a pins with correct coding to drive traffic to your website
- Securing and building of a business blog
- Installing of all marketing applications and plug in’s
- Adding in of content and connecting to Google+ for optimisation
- Full branding of the blog to match your website
- Uploading of first article including coding and tagging